Monday, January 16, 2017

News You Can Use -: Few news events may good to know for UGC CBSE National Eligibility Test January 2017

Dear Aspirants!!!

We hope your preparation is going well and you must be tracking all related current affairs, we also believe there is a little chance that you may have missed out anything which is relevant for the UGC/CBSE National Eligibility Test January 2017

Here we bringing some uncommon events taken place which got some space in media world, in last few days though the relevancy is not much higher but possibility can’t be ruled out. So we request you all just spend little time and have some factual information about these news events from world wide web. 

News You can Use for UGC CBSE NET 2017

Latest Quotes:
Journalism is not a mere enterprise for transmitting messages and intellectual activities. It is a movement to awaken consciousness. This is the constant process for human emotions. -Chairman of National Book Trust Baldev Bhai Sharma.

“Members of the media need to focus beyond the negative and highlight positive developments. Journalists have to work in ‘mission’ mode as it influences people’s way of thinking, influences government and all other constituents.”- P.J. Kurien, Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha
“Media, especially television, is focusing on sensationalism and not reflecting the collective views of society. There is plenty of tremendous work being done by start-ups in health sector but it does not get covered well in the media.”- Amitabh Kant
Press Secretary to President of India said: “Media educates people, points deficiencies and highlights success stories. It is important to keep media close to healthcare as an ally and this could have a multiplier effect.”- Venu Rajamony
 “Media is increasingly being inclusive and now journalists go to far-off areas capturing developments unfolding in these places.” - Dr. Syeda Hameed, Former Member of the Planning Commission
Pope says journalism based on fear-mongering, gossip is form of 'terrorism'
Journalism based on gossip or rumors is a form of "terrorism" and media that stereotype entire populations or foment fear of migrants are acting destructively. - Pope Francis
Identifies verification, sense making, bearing witness, and investigation as “the irreducible core of what can be distinguished as journalism and… the basis of the trust on which it relies.” He predicts that these four core tasks will be “the foundation on which journalism in the 21st century is going to be rebuilt.” - George Brock in His Book Out of Print: Newspapers, Journalism and the Business of News in the Digital Age (2013)
The great writer puts forward the view that the education and training of young journalists must “rest on three central pillars: the priority of aptitudes and vocations; the certainty that investigation is not a professional specialty but that all journalism should, by definition, be investigative; and the awareness that ethics are not an occasional condition but should always accompany journalism like the buzz accompanies the blowfly.”- Gabriel García Márquez in her book “Journalism: The Best Job in the World,” delivered in Los Angeles in 1996.
State of journalism in India has put us in 'dangerous times'- cricket commentator -Harsha Bhogle.
Print journalism lot more responsible than TV journalism -Manohar Parrikar
The social media today has democratized media so much that is not possible to control it now. He added that it is now incumbent on journalists and society at large to use it responsibly. - Arun Jaitley
Journalism working well with other pillars of democracy: -Sumitra Mahajan Lok Sabha Speaker
 News Making Events:
 Media Related:
ZEE acquires UAE’s oldest radio station Hum FM (ZEE) has acquired UAE’s first radio station, Hum 106.2 FM.

End of 300 years of journalism: Last reporters bid farewell to London's Fleet Street, The last two reporters working on Fleet Street filed their final stories on Friday, ending more than 300 years of journalism on the London thoroughfare synonymous with Britain's newspaper industry.

London chief reporter Gavin Sherriff and entertainment features writer Darryl Smith, journalists with Scottish weekly. The Sunday Post, are all that remains of the famed institution.

Narad Samman 2016 : Honored eight persons for achieving excellence in journalism for the year 2015-16

National Press Day

Ramnath Goenka Award

World Press Freedom Day

Summit Proposed by BRICS Media Foundation to Protecting Journalists

Apex Court latest Observations on Freedom of Speech / Defamation

1    Mihir Shah Commission Report-A 21st Century Institutional Architecture for India’s Water Reforms: Restructuring the CWC and CGWB
2    Himalayan projects face flood risk due to melting of glaciers
3    Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF)
4    Proposed Amendments to a Bill on groundwater management
5    Auroville City(City of Dawn)
6    Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal recommendations on forest policy are rejected by government
7     Eco-Sensitive Zone
8    Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) renamed to Renewable Energy Corporation of India (RECI)
9     National Green Tribunal (NGT)directed Rajasthan government to cancel allotments of salt pans in the Sambhar Salt Lake(Ramsar site) that fall within the wetland and run contrary to Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules framed under the Environment Protection Acts of 1986 and 2010.
10    Sustainable Action for Climate Resilient Development in Majul, Assam by Department of environment Assam
11    Green Manuring
12    NGT bans open waste burning
13    China launches satellite to monitor global carbon emissions
14    International Solar Alliance (ISA)
15    Cabinet approves International Solar Alliance (ISA)
16    Carl Fix Project, To capture CO2 in Iceland
17    Hybrid renewal energy Policy
18    Study throws light on groundwater, rainfall link
19    Endosulfan
20    Effects of Endosulfan devastating: SC
21    Green tribunal orders test of cosmetics containing microbeads
22    Robot run farm
23    Savitribai Phule
24    World’s first gender literature fest in Patna
25    National Court Management Systems Committee (NCMSC):Report on pendency of cases in court
26    United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific: India's international and intra-regional trade cost is higher then Asia's best performing economies
27    India Social Development Report (SDR) 2016 Theme this year is ‘Disabilities Rights Perspectives’.
28    A committee, headed by former finance secretary Ratan Watal, has suggested ways to encourage digital payments.
29    Election Commission Proposals-Electoral Reforms
30    Global Wage Report 2016-17, by the International Labor Organization (ILO).
31    The Committee, headed by Ajay Tyagi, has submitted its report and a draft bill titled ‘The financial data management center bill 2016’.
32    According to an analysis of 2015 data by Greenpeace India-Air pollution a national problem
33     1st International Agrobiodiversity Congress – IAC 2016 – has begun at New Delhi.
34    Fastest super computer, Sunway Taihu light
35    International Press Freedom Award- to Malini Subramaniam
36    UNESCO's intangible heritage list
37    Indologist (South Asian studies)award
38    Children Peace prize to Teen environmental activist Kehkasha basu
39    Operation Trident, 45th anniversary celebrated
40    SIMCON 2016
41    ‘100 Million for 100 Million’ Campaign
42    Rio gets UNESCO world heritage status
43    China opens 1st fully-owned satellite ground station, Sweden about 200 kms north of the Arctic Circle
44    Country’s first Indian Institute of Skills(IIS), Kanpur
45    Thiruvalluvar’s statue unveiled in Haridwar
46    National Commission for Protection of Child Rights(NCPCR) gets SKOCH Awards for POCSO e-Box
47    Center releases special stamp on freedom fighter “Shri Gaya Prasad Katiyar”
48    New Regional Institute of Education at Nellore
49    Super-cluster of galaxies near Milky Way found- the Vela super-cluster
50    UNESCO's intangible heritage list items of India
51    Shilp Guru Awards
52    by UN educational scientific and cultural organisation`
53    Country in India's Neighbour with latest constitution-Nepal
54    Program and Advertising Code of the Cable Television Network Rules, 1994
55    Fundamental Duties (Article 51 A) supports supreme court order
56    Meeting of Parties (MoP) to the Montreal Protocol of the Vienna Convention for Protection of Ozone Layer that took place in October, 2016, in Kigali, Rwanda K/a Kigali Amendments to Montreal protocol
57    Article 38:
58    Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill 2014
59    J&K has no sovereignty: SC
60    Article 72 (by President) or 161 (by Governor)
61    Remission power lies with State: SC
63    DoPT’s fresh guidelines on sexual harassment at workplace
64    Sponsored ads in media to be part of candidate’s expenditure
65    Competition Commission of India(CCI)
66     International Competition Network (ICN)
67    Central Pollution Control Board’s (CPCB) “graded response action plan for Delhi(moderate to poor, very poor, severe, and severe-plus or emergency)
68    Air Quality Index (AQI)
69    India’s energy and environment ministries have asked the government to scrap an import tax on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and impose a levy on use of pet coke and furnace oil to promote cleaner fuel.
70    Green Bonds
71     Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT)
72    UDAN(Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik), Civil Aviation Ministry's regional connectivity scheme
73    UDAY Scheme
74     Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
75    India: Financing Energy Efficiency at MSME Project (FEEMP)
76    Coal Mitra
77    Gender Budgeting Cell
78    China’s Gaofen project
79    The government has launched an IPR Enforcement Toolkit for Police.
80    DEFCOM – 2017
81    Radio Frequency Identification(Access Control System)
82    Solar impulse, piloted solar powered air craft
83    First ‘water-wave laser’ created by scientists in Israel
84    TeamIndus planning for India’s first private moon mission next year
85    New way to produce Nuclear fuel using electricity
86    PSLV-C36 Successfully Launches RESOURCESAT-2A Remote Sensing Satellite
87    Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and Intel are collaborating to jointly initiate “DST-Intel Collaborative Research for Real-Time River Water and Air Quality Monitoring
88    "Japan Launches Magnetic Tether To Clean Up Space Junk from earth's orbit
to make space safer for astronauts as part of international spaces"
89    ISRO signs deal for first privately built satellite.
90    Effective microorganisms (EM)
91    Mini clonal technology for plantation
92    National Mathematics Day
93    First Second Generation Ethanol Bio-refinery in India to be set up at Bathinda (Punjab)
94    World’s most heat resistant material:Tantalum carbide (TaC) and hafnium carbide (HfC)
95    Online safety campaign by Google
96    Bacteria-powered battery on a single sheet of paper
97    Fossil fuel formation linked to rise in atmosphere’s oxygen
98    Floating Solar power plant
99    China develops its version of floating LNG power plant
100    Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) located near Pune in India
101    UN International Law Commission.
102    India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management (IIIDEM)
103    Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Kyoto protocol
104    Green Climate Fund (GCF)
105    Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) or Vulnerable Twenty’ (V20) group


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