Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lasswell’s Communication Model: A Discussion to Implicit Meaning

Lasswell’s Communication Model: A Discussion to implicit meaning

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Lasswell's communication model was produced by communication theorist Harold D. Lasswell in 1948.this model of communication also known as action model/ linear model and one way model of communication. As we all know one the most influential and easily applicable communication models. Lasswell’s model is more about the process of communication along with its functions to society; Lasswell advocates about three functions for communication:
  • Surveillance of the environment 
  • Correlation of components of society
  • Cultural transmission between generation
These three functions also known as primary functions of communication. these is to inform educate ,entertain and influence people to make them function smoothly and effectively. Besides that communication has secondary functions too, to perform as well as, through debate and discussions,cultural promotions and integrations .now we  understand what are these function want to describe so.

SURVEILLANCE OF ENVIRONMENT This is the process of monitoring the behavior of people, objects, or processes within the system for conformity to expected or desired norms in trusted system for security or social control. Although the word surveillance means watching over the term used for all forms like observation and monitoring, in the communication surveillance of environment means seeking out and then transmitting information about the society and all other relevant elements.

CORRELATION OF COMPONENTS OF SOCIETY This term was used by Lasswell and is an imp function of mass communication. The role of mass media in correlation function was termed as “forum” by Schramm. It means “exchange of comments and criticism” by the help of this correlation or forum people easily understand about the environments and events happening all around.

CULTURAL TRANSMISSION BETWEEN GENERATION- By this function of communication Lasswell wants to say that media educate us toward better living and preserving the values rituals and traditions of society. Mass media provide us an opportunity for culture we have to promote and explore and easily understand about others culture and educate about them too.

Now back on the Lasswell model, as we observe in the model that flow of message in a mix or multicultural society with numerous audiences. The message flows through various channels. This model is also having similarity with Aristotle’s model of communication.

Lasswell's communication model-AnyExamAnyTime

In a basic understanding from this model of communication, we can observe the component “WHO” refers the area of research as “Control Analysis”, which we relate with each five question of the model.

Lasswell's communication model-AnyExamAnyTime

In Lasswell's model, as an analysis too there are five components are used to evaluate the communication process and components. The questions which need to be asked as “Components” to derive answers and get communication process continue.

Let’s examine the different components of Lasswell's Model:-
  1. Control analysis- Means to give the sender to have all the power.
  2. Content analysis -Means it is associated to stereotyping and representation of different groups politically and also related to the purpose or the motives of the message.
  3. Media analysis Confirms or provides an insight on “Which medium or channel” should be used to apply the utmost power or influence against the receivers.
  4. Audience analysis- Means to shows who are the target audience to be manipulated or give proper description about the event
  5. Effect analysis -Means it is done that the process starts affecting each one TG {TARGET AUDIENCE}. It is used to predict that the effect of message over the TG is to be spread over everywhere.
Lasswell's model primarily was developed in to analyze and explain Mass Communication, however the model is more popularly used for interpersonal communication or group communication to be promulgate or disseminated the message to various groups in various situations as well.

Lasswell's model was primarily developed to examine the media propaganda of countries, businesses & stake holders .Only  people in power or in government used to have communication mediums such as televisions and radios etc. so that it design accordingly their as no power in the receiver hand.

Lasswell talked about the relationship between presenting of facts and its results in terms of, how it generates different effects? This concept is known as “Effective Communication Process”. The concept of “Effect” makes Lasswell's model non-linear contrasting to its name.  Reason being “Effect” can also be treated as feedback. 

Despite being the model was developed for Mass Communication, the model is applied in practices in various fields including media, because of the component “Effect” was prepared to be further about result of the message.

This model is more likely to the communication model produce by Shannon and Weaver. Their model is more graphical than Lasswell's. George Gerbner, who is the father of the cultivation, expanded Lasswell's model and included the concept of reaction of the receiver. Which we read in our previous blogs also.

Advantage of Lasswell’s model:
  • Easy and Simple to understand and apply
  • Favorable for almost all types of communication
  • The new concept of “Effect” introduced 
Disadvantages of Lasswell's Model:
  • Non inclusion of feedback and it overlooking the possibility of noise, is the major criticism from the scholars for Lasswell’s Model.
  • Scholars argued that, a communication process can’t be fruitful without feedback.
  • The model was termed as linear, also many observed that it has no recommendation on   barriers in the communication process
  • Inclusion of general and traditional topic was also one of the concern for which the model was criticized.
  • The Excellency of the model “Simplicity” itself also some time gets criticized.
  • Another criticism for the model is, It’s assumed to be a propaganda based model and  more focused on the resulting outcome, which generally used for media persuasion or events

Practice Questions for UGC NET Jan 2017:

1. According to Maletzke……………………component of Lasswell’s model properly belongs to sociological and psychological study of the receiver and should therefore not be introduced as an additional component? 
a. Who says? 
b. With what effect? 
c. What? 
d. To whom? 

2. According to The Lasswell Formula, channel capacity refers to the ………… that can be handled by a given channel at any one time?
a. lower limit of information 
b. message forming capacity of source 
c. upper limit of information 
d. message receiving capacity of receiver 

3. In Lasswell's model of communication "Control Analysis" is associated with? 
a. Communicator 
b. Message 
c. Medium 
d. Effect 

4. In Lasswell's model of communication "Message" is associated with…………….analysis? 
a. Control 
b. Content 
c. Media 
d. Effects 

5. Which of the following is NOT a linear model of communication? 
a. Aristotle’s model 
b. Osgood and Schramm's model 
c. Berlo’s Model 
d. Lasswell's model 

6.  Match the following based on Lasswell model of communication:
LIST I: (Questions) (a) Who? (b) Says What? (c) In Which Channel? (d) To Whom? 
LIST II: (Analysis) (1) Media Analysis (2) Content Analysis (3) Audience Analysis (4) Control Analysis 
a. (A:4) (B:2) (C:1) (D:3) 
b. (A:1) (B:3) (C:4) (D:2) 
c. (A:1) (B:3) (C:2) (D:4)
d. (A:3) (B:1) (C:2) (D:4)

Work Cited:
Carr, H. H., Snyder, C. A., & Bailey, B. N. (2012). The Management of Network Security. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd. Licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia, 329-330.
Fiske, J. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies (Second Edition ed.). New York: Routledge
Kumar, K. J. (2010). Mass Communication in India (4th ed.). Jaico Publishing House.
Lasswell, H. (1948) ‘The structure and function of communication in society’ in Bryson, L. (ed.) (1948) The Communication of Ideas, New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies
Lasswell’s Model. Retrieved September 20, 2016, from

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