Sunday, October 16, 2016

Jakobson’s model of verbal communication: A model beyond basic transmission models.

Today we will be discussing a communication model, which moved beyond basic transmission models, focused on the significance of the codes and social contexts. Yes, you guessed it right !!!!  It’s Jakobson’s model of verbal communication.
As we all learn about communication that the exchange of ideas, information, etc. between two or more persons. In the process of communication from a speaker or sender, a message is transmitted, for whom this message is made or require called receiver.

 Some authors and sociologist gives their opinion about it as follows:

The process that occurs when ideas, information and feelings are conveyed between individuals or groups of individuals for deliberate purposes. (Buguley)

A process of transmitting and receiving verbal or non-verbal messages that produces a response (Murphy and Hildebrandt)

In the Communication Process Source/sender is who initiates the message and, Message is the information transmitted in to verbal and non-verbal way
Channel is medium through which messages reach the receiver, and Receiver is whom the message is targeted /addressed.

Some of the major factors which influence the communication are:
The person’s perception about the environment and
The cultural context of the interaction;
The person’s definition of acceptable space and distance, or personal space;
And the degree of time available for the communication.

All these above mentioned factors affect the process of communication, along with other factors which includes “Mode of Communication”

Modes of communication, those affect communication are
Verbal communication:  In the verbal communication messages sent through words/language/vocal .

Non-verbal communication: The messages sent through body language gesture postures facial expression etc.


Roman Jakobson’s model based on the verbal communication, that is why it also Jakobson’s model of verbal communication.

In 1950 Roman Jakobson who was the Russian linguist, produce theory “concerning the purposes of the language used in human communication”.

This model of communication functions consists of two steps –
Elements of language use {factors of verbal communication}
What people do with the language when they use it {functions of verbal communication}.

Jackobson language function
Jakobson, advocated that, there are six elements, or factors  in an act of verbal communication:
A context
An addresser
An addressee
A contact between an addresser and addressee
A common code.
A message.


He always think and discuss about that; what happen when language focuses on certain element {like sender, receiver, channel.etc}in the communication process ,in that situation we have to practically focus on that.


 I’m seriously sorry to disturb you, but would you please lower your tone of voice. (Emotive / expressive function àfocus on the sender)

Will you ready for it! (Conative / directive function à focus on the receiver)

It was a terribly hot day; the air was burning; one could hardly breathe even near the tree. (Informative / referential function à focus on the content)

It was a beautiful spring day; the air was like velvet; the air in the garden was blissful. (Poetic function à focus on the message)

Nice music! (Phatic function à focus on the contact/channel)

Model for textual analysis
Informative /referential function:
In this function we focuses on the content like explanation definition description etc

Expressive / emotive function:
In this function we focuses on sender’s attitude on the topic like positive, negative sentimental etc.
Similarly sender’s attitude towards receiver like equal, authority, personal, slidiatory etc.
It’s all reflects the choices of words or sentences or the structure they use.

Directive / Conative function:
In this function we focuses on the receiver by the two ways
Explicit- like order, request, demand, warning, advice etc.
Implicit- through expressive means changing people’s mind

Phatic function:
In this function we focuses on the channel or medium that used between the sender and receiver fot developing communication processes. It’s reflected the use of pronoun, rhetorical expressions etc.
Poetic function:
In this function as shown in the name we focuses on poetic forms of the message like imaginary formats. Metaphors, simile, assonance etc.

Metalingual function:
In this function we always focuses on the language own means on their codes like how language turned back or how language use about language itself, like their terminology of linguistic, or adjective, pronoun, sentences etc.

        Jakobson argued, that each of six factors outlined in his model,  determines a diverse linguistic function. The model strongly claims that, the messages and meanings cannot be isolated from contextual factors.

Work Cited:
Chandler, D. (2014, March 7). Semiotics for Beginners. Retrieved October 15, 2016, from.
Fiske, J. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies (Second Edition ed.). New York: Routledge.
Jakobson, R. (1960) ‘Closing statement: linguistics and poetics’ in Sebeok.
Jakobson, R. and Halle, M. (1956) The Fundamentals of Language, The Hague: Mouton.
Roman Jakobson (2016). . In Wikipedia. Retrieved from


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