Monday, October 31, 2016

All in One Collaborative Knowledge Base: The AEAT's Learning Encyclopedia AEAT's MediaWiki

Presenting AEAT’s MediaWiki
The purpose is to create a centralized digital free knowledge encyclopedia of Media, In a conducive, mutual respect, beneficial and cooperative atmosphere. The goal of “AEAT’s MediaWiki” is to create a comprehensive, accurately and genuinely written summary of existing mainstream knowledge base about a topic. Editors are encouraged to be strict and fair enough in editing any text submitted in a fair and accurate manner.   

This is an effort to create a comprehensive Digital Knowledge Base, DKB. A centralized repository for information which all related to media as subject matter and can help all participants to prepare well for AnyExamAnyTime in Media & Communication related subjects.

The joys of studying and learning are very important factors for successful academic studies. Therefore it is really important to us, that our participants perceive AEAT as an inspirational and comfortable place, not as an anonymous learning factory. The learning environment at AEAT is pleasant and motivating. Several student initiatives positively affect the overall atmosphere of AEAT. An excellent service guarantees that students can concentrate fully on their studies.  AnyExamAnyTime-MediaWiki
All you asked about (FAQs) on MediaWiki:
What is AEAT’s MediaWiki?
It’s The Learning Encyclopedia, A Comprehensive one place knowledge Bank, A centralized collaborative knowledge base, free to edit and add information. The concept was learnt from Wikipedia and replicated in a limited way to only one subject area that is: Mass Communication & Journalism. All features and functions are similar to WikiPedia, the only difference is it unique nature to address knowledge base for only one subject, thus brings specific and precise information only what is needed.
It’s an encyclopedia, a centralized repository for information related to Mass Media as subject matter.

What is in it for me?
Once you joined AEAT as participant, teacher, and contributor or in whatever way, this one platform will bring you a centralized knowledge base related to subject of your interest in a precise, specific and systematic way. You write, read and check only what is needed, without bothering about whole world.

What all activity allowed to perform on AEAT’s MediaWiki?
MediaWiki is a free editable platform, where you can perform the following activities. 
  • Enter a new page and content on related subject and write information to help self as well as others.
  • Read content already available and submitted by others
  • Edit if you found something not accurate or if you want to add additional information to an existing content.
  • Create eBook for your required content selectively and download.
  • Allows you to create, revise, and edit articles
Participants are encouraged to include as much as possible text or content which will not only help you but help others as well as people joining in future.Don’t worry about perfection, it’s absolutely not required, as it’s a work in progress, an on going activity.  Collaborative editing & writing implies that incomplete or poorly written first drafts can groomed over time into excellent articles with further contribution of many.
What are the writing Guidelines? 
It’s always advised and adhere to write from a genuine, accurate and neutral perspective. We urge all of you to write contents or information that truly document, cite , and explain the desired points of view, giving due respect to each subject area. Addressing to the very need of Media as Subject and keeping in mind the National Eligibility Test for Mass Communication and Journalism. 

Is it @ Free?
AEAT’s MediaWki  is free content that anyone can use, edit, and distribute subject to the association with AEAT as registered user in way (teacher, Student, Aspirant or Contributor) 

If post an information and some one not agree to it?
All contributor and Editors should respect each others civility & creativity: Respect your fellow participants, even when you disagree to any of information submitted by him or her.
Any specific rules?
AEAT’s MediaWiki has no specific rules: The purpose, objective and the passion matter more than written wordings of rules and regulation for this MediaWiki Project.
Is it available as open platform?
Currently its part of “All in One Media Dictionary for UGC CBSE National Eligibility Test” for initial setup and editing, and shortly will make it separate from all other activity and push in front for public editing.
Why AEAT taken up this project?
AnyExamAnyTime (AEAT) is part of the network of like-minded people, whose common goal it is to analyze various academic syllabuses, understanding the actual need and finding way to implementing the fundamentals of actual learning process “The PurestForm of Education” in modern stream. And develop further academic content to prepare students for a fast and successful career entry into interesting and demanding occupations at free of cost.  

Join, spread, share and create a non-commodity base knowledge platform for all within Media fraternity. We welcome each one of you to join and help in building this Centralized knowledge base for Journalism as whole. 
!!!! You too will feel healed and whole !!!!


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