Monday, October 31, 2016

भारत में प्रसारण से संबंधित समिति तथा आयोग : एक चर्चा भाग -2

भारत में प्रसारण से संबंधित समिति तथा आयोग : एक चर्चा (भाग -2)
पहला प्रेस आयोग (1952-54)
23सितंबर 1952 को सूचना व प्रसारण मन्त्रालय ने पहले प्रेस आयोग की स्थापना की । जष्टिस जेएस  राजध्यक्ष इसके अध्यक्ष बनाए गए ।
आयोग के सूझाव
- प्रेस की स्वतंत्रता की रक्षा करने के साथ पत्रकारित के उच्च मान को बनाया रखा जाए । प्रेस काउंसिल की स्थापना हो । इसको स्वीकार कर लिया गया और 4जुलाई 1966 को प्रेस काउंसिल की स्थापना हुई । इसी साल 16 नवंबर से प्रेस काउंसिल ने काम भी करना शुरू कर दिया । इसीलिए हरसाल 16नवंबर को राष्ट्रीय प्रेस दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है ।
- रजिस्ट्रार आफ न्यूज पेपर आफ इंडिया (आरएनआई) की नियुक्ति हो ।  इस सूझाव को भी ग्रहण कर लिया गया तथा जुलाई 1956 को आरएनआई की नियुक्ति होने लगी ।
- सरकार और प्रेस के बीच मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंधों की स्थापना ने लिए एक सलाहकार कमेटी का गठन हो । इसे स्वीकार कर लिया गया । 22सितंबर 1962 को एक सलाहकार कमेटी का गठन किया गया. ।
- आयोग के सूझाव के आनुसार  श्रमजीवी पत्रकार अधिनियम को भी स्वीकार कर लिया गया और 1955 में इसे लागू किया गया ।
- न्यूज एंजेसी तथा अखबारों की आर्थिक हालातों की जांच के लिए फेक्ट फाइंडिंग कमेटी की स्थापना के सूझाव पर 14जनवरी 1975 को इसकी स्थापना हुई ।
दूसरा प्रेस आयोग( 1978)
29मई 1978 को भारत सरकार ने दूसरे प्रेस आयोग की स्थापना की । जष्टिस पीके गोस्वामी इसके अध्यक्ष बनाए गए हालांकि 14जनवरी 1980 को नई सरकार क्षमता में आने के बाद गोस्वामी और उनकी टीम ने अपने पदों से इस्तीफा दे दिया । जष्टिस केके मैथ्यू की अध्यक्षता में 21 अप्रैल 1980 को फिर से प्रेस आयोग की स्थापना हुई ।
आयोग के सूझाव
- सरकार और प्रेस के बीच मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंधों की स्थापना के लिए कोशिश की जाए ।
- छोटे तथा मध्यम  अखबारों के विकाश के लिए न्यूज पेपर डेवलापमेंट कमिशन की स्थापना होनी चाहिए ।
- अखबार उद्योग व्यावसायिक हित हेतु स्थापित उद्योगों से अलग हो ।
-अखबारों तथा पत्रिकाओं में किसी भी तरह की भविष्यवाणी प्रकाशित न हो ।
-पत्र सूचना कार्यालय का पुनर्गठन हो ।
भारत में प्रसारण से संबंधित समिति तथा आयोग
 Vo Ladki (वो लड़की) By @ItishreeSinghRathaur
Read My Latest Women's Fiction "VO LADKI"

All in One Collaborative Knowledge Base: The AEAT's Learning Encyclopedia AEAT's MediaWiki

Presenting AEAT’s MediaWiki
The purpose is to create a centralized digital free knowledge encyclopedia of Media, In a conducive, mutual respect, beneficial and cooperative atmosphere. The goal of “AEAT’s MediaWiki” is to create a comprehensive, accurately and genuinely written summary of existing mainstream knowledge base about a topic. Editors are encouraged to be strict and fair enough in editing any text submitted in a fair and accurate manner.   

This is an effort to create a comprehensive Digital Knowledge Base, DKB. A centralized repository for information which all related to media as subject matter and can help all participants to prepare well for AnyExamAnyTime in Media & Communication related subjects.

The joys of studying and learning are very important factors for successful academic studies. Therefore it is really important to us, that our participants perceive AEAT as an inspirational and comfortable place, not as an anonymous learning factory. The learning environment at AEAT is pleasant and motivating. Several student initiatives positively affect the overall atmosphere of AEAT. An excellent service guarantees that students can concentrate fully on their studies.  AnyExamAnyTime-MediaWiki
All you asked about (FAQs) on MediaWiki:
What is AEAT’s MediaWiki?
It’s The Learning Encyclopedia, A Comprehensive one place knowledge Bank, A centralized collaborative knowledge base, free to edit and add information. The concept was learnt from Wikipedia and replicated in a limited way to only one subject area that is: Mass Communication & Journalism. All features and functions are similar to WikiPedia, the only difference is it unique nature to address knowledge base for only one subject, thus brings specific and precise information only what is needed.
It’s an encyclopedia, a centralized repository for information related to Mass Media as subject matter.

What is in it for me?
Once you joined AEAT as participant, teacher, and contributor or in whatever way, this one platform will bring you a centralized knowledge base related to subject of your interest in a precise, specific and systematic way. You write, read and check only what is needed, without bothering about whole world.

What all activity allowed to perform on AEAT’s MediaWiki?
MediaWiki is a free editable platform, where you can perform the following activities. 
  • Enter a new page and content on related subject and write information to help self as well as others.
  • Read content already available and submitted by others
  • Edit if you found something not accurate or if you want to add additional information to an existing content.
  • Create eBook for your required content selectively and download.
  • Allows you to create, revise, and edit articles
Participants are encouraged to include as much as possible text or content which will not only help you but help others as well as people joining in future.Don’t worry about perfection, it’s absolutely not required, as it’s a work in progress, an on going activity.  Collaborative editing & writing implies that incomplete or poorly written first drafts can groomed over time into excellent articles with further contribution of many.
What are the writing Guidelines? 
It’s always advised and adhere to write from a genuine, accurate and neutral perspective. We urge all of you to write contents or information that truly document, cite , and explain the desired points of view, giving due respect to each subject area. Addressing to the very need of Media as Subject and keeping in mind the National Eligibility Test for Mass Communication and Journalism. 

Is it @ Free?
AEAT’s MediaWki  is free content that anyone can use, edit, and distribute subject to the association with AEAT as registered user in way (teacher, Student, Aspirant or Contributor) 

If post an information and some one not agree to it?
All contributor and Editors should respect each others civility & creativity: Respect your fellow participants, even when you disagree to any of information submitted by him or her.
Any specific rules?
AEAT’s MediaWiki has no specific rules: The purpose, objective and the passion matter more than written wordings of rules and regulation for this MediaWiki Project.
Is it available as open platform?
Currently its part of “All in One Media Dictionary for UGC CBSE National Eligibility Test” for initial setup and editing, and shortly will make it separate from all other activity and push in front for public editing.
Why AEAT taken up this project?
AnyExamAnyTime (AEAT) is part of the network of like-minded people, whose common goal it is to analyze various academic syllabuses, understanding the actual need and finding way to implementing the fundamentals of actual learning process “The PurestForm of Education” in modern stream. And develop further academic content to prepare students for a fast and successful career entry into interesting and demanding occupations at free of cost.  

Join, spread, share and create a non-commodity base knowledge platform for all within Media fraternity. We welcome each one of you to join and help in building this Centralized knowledge base for Journalism as whole. 
!!!! You too will feel healed and whole !!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Subject Wise Practice Model Test for CBSE UGC NET January 2017 (Mass Communication & Journalism)

Dear Aspirants !!!!
Now as we finished up with common revision series tests, time to move on to Subjectwise Practice Model Tests. These Model Test Series are designed to provide a practice environment for the specific subject area. In today's, objective oriented testing philosophy, these practice mock tests are simulated objectively that mimic the behavior of real final exam question on related subject in controlled ways.

Starts on: 23rd October 2016 and Ends on 15th January 2017 (Each Sunday a New test) for enrollment CLICK HERE  Also See details about Model Mock Test.  Also visit our Facebook Event Page to register interest. 

Mock Test: AnyExamAnyTime
Different type of Test available:

S-Test: These are subject / area wise test, e.g.: Research, Theory etc., covering an optimum from the respective subject area.  (Each Subject wise test consists of 250-500 practice questions, depending on the need of subject)

  •    Research-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET   (2 Versions)

  •    Theories & Models-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET (3 Versions)

  •    Advertising & PR-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET (2 Versions)

  •    Video / TV Production-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET

  •    Print Media-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET

  •    Broadcast Journalism-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET (2 Versions)

  •    Media Laws & Ethics-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET

  •    Media Text & Meaning-S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET (2 Versions)

  •    Media Current Affairs -S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET

  •    ARQs & AEATs Special- S-Test for CBSE / UGC NET

Versions: If any test denoted with a version, it means will be conducted multiple time with new questions. For e.g.: Research (2 Versions) means one will be conducted at beginning time of the program and another will be conducted at time when we will be approaching the Final exam nearby)

R-Test: (Rapid Fire Test): These test are designed in a way to test the terms & terminology along with mix from S-Test

Mock Test: This is a limited version test series, this time total 5 Mock Test modeled exactly in similar way of final exam (Paper I/II/III) and to be addressed in similar way with one day assignments.

G-Test: Test for General paper (Specific area wise)

This time we have included two new set of test, Media Text Meanings & Media Current Affairs.

Media Text Meanings: The earlier linguistic test will be discontinued and will be mixed with “Media Text Meanings” series along with many additional conceptual terms and terminology test series.

Media Current Affairs: This is completely a new inclusion this time covering all possible current affairs along with quotes and other area which may be missed out.

An initiative to develop these Model mock  tests, we have gone through intensive research of syllabus as well as mapping it to the questioning pattern taking sample from all previous years examinations.

Along with the outline minimum study plan attached to your profile, we urge all of you to keep practicing these subject wise Model Test, which will add further value to your preparation on final Exam.

Please note: The subject wise test will be assigned under your profile on each Sunday and you are requested to practice them within given week time to progress slowly week by week.

We wish your preparation should go well and you land up with an improved score from all previous experiences. All the best.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Westley and MacLean’s Model of Communication: A Model that advocates the beginning at responds and emphasizes feedback

Westley and MacLean’s Model of Communication: A Model that advocates the beginning at responds and emphasizes feedback.
In the year of 1957, Westley and MacLean’s proposed a communication model. Both BruceWestley and Malcolm S. MacLean Jr. Westley worked in the university of Wisconsin, Madison in 1946-1968 and
In their model they give two contexts firstly the model can be seen as interpersonal and secondly its seen as mass communication. The difference between in these two contexts {mass communication and interpersonal communication} called the feedback.
The feedback is always direct in interpersonal communication but in the mass communication feedback is slow, late and indirect.
In the Westley and MacLean model of communication they gives one imp view of communication processes that any communication never start when we talk but it will start when other responds.

Westley and MacLean’s Model

The communication does not start from the day one but actually it begins when the source or speaker receives signals or response or message from his surroundings or receiver ends.

For example  a girl preparing his room for Diwali festival searching bed sheet n curtain on web then suddenly she gets the idea by some site to decorate her room wall so she immediately call her sister and convey their idea ..So communication actually began with girl receiving idea from that website then further sending it to her sister...This is the actual point of view of Westly and MacLean model of communication.

This model explain us the strong relation between the surrounding and the signals and clear us the real clean processes of communication... Actually Westley and MacLean wants to says that, the communication processes not start when sender sending the message but it will start when receiver receiving and responding about the message. 
One of the most interesting things about this model is too, that it is not compulsory that the signals comes from surroundings are genuinely sent to start the communication processes or not sometimes thoughts suddenly comes in the mind when we see something or we can say we are not receiving signals intentionally but we are accidentally connect on that signals and receive some thoughts and ideas and start talking about that and communication processes goes on, as we see in the above example too.
Key Points to Note:

  1. The model main point of view is accounts for Feedback.
  2. The model has two contexts for communication processes. Interpersonal communication and Mass communication.
  3. This communication model is predictive and descriptive vice-versa.
  4. This communication model is always Two Dimensional.
  5. This  model of communication is not multidimensional  as it not works in wider concept or not applicable in the large group, events etc
  6. It also good for the communication where more than two sources involve.
Work Cited:
Sloan, D. (1990). Makers of the media mind: Journalism educators and their ideas. New York, NY, United States: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kauth, J.-M., & Manca, L. (Eds.). (2015). Interdisciplinary essays on environment and culture: One planet, One humanity, and the media. United States: Lexington Books.
Folkerts, J., & Lacy, S. (2006). The media in your life: An introduction to mass communication- notebook. Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., Licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia.
A Conceptual Model For Communications Research. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2016, from
Westley, B. H., & MacLean, M. S. (1957). A conceptual model for communications research. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 34(1), 31–38. 
Fiske, J., Fiske, H. J., Structuralism, & Fiske-style, R. B. (2010). Introduction to communication studies (3rd ed.). London: Routledge.

Monday, October 24, 2016

भारत में प्रसारण में संबंधित समिति तथा आयोग : एक चर्चा

भारत में प्रसारण में संबंधित समिति तथा आयोग : एक चर्चा
भारत में रेडियों तथा टेलीविजन के  प्रसारण की बेहतरी तथा विभिन्न सूझावों के लिए सरकार ने प्रसारण से संबंधित कुछ समिति तथा आयोग बनाए । उनमें से पहले आता में चंदा समिति  ।

 चंदा समिति
चंदा समिति का गठन दिसंबर 1964 में हुआ । सूचना व प्रसारण मंत्रालय के अधिन भिन्न मीडिया संगठनों के मूल्यांकन के लिए कमेटी की स्थापना की गई । कमेटी ने मीडिया की भूमिका तथा उससे जुड़ी नीतियों की जांच की ।

चंदा कमेटी के सदस्य
आशोक कुमार चंदा (अध्यक्ष)
एम चलपति राव
विद्या चरण शुक्ल
अशोक मित्रा
डा. लक्ष्मी सिंघवी
मेहरा मसानी
चंदा कमेटी के सूझाव
- दूरदर्शन तथा आकाशवाणी के लिए पृथक-पृथक निगम की स्थापना ।
- इन संस्थाओं के पास इतना अधिकार हो  कि यह  संस्थाओं में कर्मचारियों की भर्ति के नियम निर्धारित कर सकें तथा आवश्यकता के अनुसार वेतन तथा अन्य नियम निर्धारित कर सकें।
-अपनी रचनात्मकता के लिए एक वित्तीय और लेखा प्रणाली के लिए उचित चिंतन करना ।
-जन संचार के राष्ट्रीय परिषद की स्थापना हो ।
वर्गीज कमेटी
मार्च 1977 चुनाव के बाद सत्तारूढ़ भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने दुरदर्शन और आकाशवाणी को स्वायत्त बनाने की घोषणा कर दी । पार्टी ने दोनों की स्वायत्तता पर विचार करने के लिए 17 अगस्त 1977 को वर्गीज कमेटी का गठन किया । कमेटी ने फरवरी 1978 में सरकार को अपनी रिपोर्ट सौंपी । इलेकट्रोनिक मीडिया को स्वायत्तता प्रदान करने में यह रिपोर्ट मील का पत्थर साबित हुआ ।
कमेटी के सदस्य
बीजी वर्गीज
वीएस राजाध्यक्ष
चंचल सरकार
एजी नूरानी
डा. मलकम एस आदिसेसहिह
पीएल देशपांडे
उमा शंकर जोशी
जेडी सेठी
पीजे फेर्नान्डेज
सीआर सुब्रमण्यम
नयनतारा सहगल
डा. ईश्वर दास
वर्गीज कमेटी के सूझाव
- स्वायत्त नेशनल ट्रष्ट की स्थापना हो जिसके अंतर्गत आकाशवाणी और दूरदर्शन कार्य करें । ट्रस्ट  का नाम 'आकाश भारती' , द नेशनल ब्रडकाष्ट ट्रस्ट रखा जाए ।
- रेडियो तथा टीवी लोगों  के लिए काम करे । राष्ट्रीय सामुदायिक नीति के आनुसार इनका संचालन हो ।
-प्रस्तावित ट्रस्ट प्राधिकरण देश का हो तथा यह संसद के प्रति जबावदेह हो ।
- प्रसारण की प्राथमिकता में बदलाव हो । यह गांव और शहर के बीच के फासलों को मिटा सके ।
कुलदीप नैयर कमेटी
मार्च 1977 में आपातकाल के बाद सत्तारूढ़ जनता पार्टी ने राष्ट्रीय समाचार एजेंसियों के पुनर्गठन तथा मीडिया प्रसारण के स्वायत्ता के सिलसिले में कुलदीप नैयर कमेटी का गठन किया । 1फरवरी 1976 को चार समाचार एजेंसिय़ों पीटीआई, यूएनआई, हिंदुस्तान समाचार और समाचार भारती का विलय कर 'समाचार' का गठन किया गया ।
 कमेटी के सूझाव
- समाचार का विघटन कर हिंदी तथा अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं के लिए वार्ता तथा अंग्रेजी भाषा में संदेश की स्थापना हो ।
-इसके साथ ही  अंतरराष्ट्रीय समाचार एजेंसी 'न्यूज इंडिया' की स्थापना हो लेकिन नैयर कमेटी की रिपोर्ट को रद्द कर दिया गया ।
पीसी जोशी कमेटी
दूरदर्शन को  स्वायत्तता प्रदान करने के लिए इंडियन इस्टीट्यूट आफ इकोनोमिक ग्रोथ के निदेशक पीसी जोशी की देखरेख में 1983 को एक कमेटी गठित हुई । कमेटी ने दूरदर्शन को कार्यात्मक स्वतंत्रता मुहैया कराने के लिए नेशनल दुरदर्शन काउंसिल के गठन की वकालत की थी ।
 कमेटी के सदस्य
-पीसी जोशी (आध्यक्ष)
-साई प्रंजपये
ए पद्मसी
-जीएनएस राघवन
- रानी छाब्रा
-रीना गिल
- योगेंद्र सिंह
-मोहन उप्रेति
- भूपेन हजारिका
-केएस गिल
-आरबीएल श्रीवास्तव
-मंजूरूल अमीन
                                                                                                                 (जारी है...)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mock Test 1: ALL INDIA CBSE UGC National Eligibility Test January 2017 for Subject Code: 63 (Mass Communication and Journalism)

AnyExamAnyTime:  Presents a specialized Mock Test to provide students, a real time exam environment experience right at the door step. 
The online mock tests for CBSE UGC National Eligibility Test, for MassCommunication & Journalism consists of similar standard questions that will be asked in the final exam conducted by CBSE on 22nd January 2017
The mock test papers are set by experienced professionals and In-House research experts from the field of media and communication, making them a reflection of the real tests.


The entire syllabus is covered in a systematic way through in subject-wise full length tests. The tests are derived entirely from UGC outlined academic syllabus for this exam, helping students to get an effective and efficient insight into the real exams.
Equipped with a comprehensive range of digital educational content and tools, AnyExamAnyTime, empowers students to learn, engage and succeed in this competitive age.
These online mock tests are available for students in Mass Communication & Journalism (UGC Subject Code 63) and for general paper (UGC Subject Code 00). 

Aspirants must attempt these mock tests to overcome their constraints in terms of time management, exam fear, to have a practice of maintaining calmness and being composed avoid silly mistakes or identify area of opportunity where these mistakes can happen in real exam and rectify much before. Aspirants can avail this opportunity to correct their errors and perform better in CBSE UGC NET January 2017
Aspirants must start taking the mock tests at least 3 months before the final exam so that they can be well-prepared for the exam and score exceptionally well and give your exams with precision and mindfulness.

What is the advantage of these mock tests?
-You will get a real time exam environment to practice
-Can make familiars with different type of questions
-Manage your time for all three papers
-Test yourself & rate within the population who appearing.
-Exam pattern, Time management & Answering strategies
-Convenience AEAT’s Online Mock Tests
-Students are Provided Immediate Result
-Online Tests Let You Track Your Progress

It’s always said that…………….
Practice Makes Perfect: If you practice with number of mock tests before January 2017, you have the privilege of immense practice of giving exams and doing well in them along with tracking progress with improvement one by one. The level of anxiety and stress will reduce what we typically called as Exam Anxiety.
Time is same for all; it’s we who make it good or evil. Timing is everything: Since CBSE exams are timed, you have no option other than completing all questions within the set time line. In observation many a times, aspirants know the answers but struggle to score well as they cannot complete the test in time. If you appear for these online mock tests honestly, you will understand your speed and strategy and you can alter it to ensure you complete the exam.
A Self-appraisal and feedback, Your own Study Analysis: A self-analysis on your preparation vs the mock test will create an opportunity to plan the study to increase your knowledge, which enables you to focus on the subjects that are lacking behind.
Unyielding Revision: When you appear for these mock tests, the syllabus will get revised automatically and thus, multiple revisions are completed before the actual exam.
Real Exam one Chance Mock test 5: With AEAT’s five online mock tests, you get multiple chances to improve your scores and perform well in the tests.
Tests at your Doorstep: As these test are conducted online with a set time window between 11:30AM to 21:00PM on specified date,, you can appear any time of your choice within given time window on specified date. 

What this test consists of?
Paper I (Subject Code 00) 50 Questions
Paper II (Subject Code 63) 50 Questions
Paper III (Subject Code 63) 75 Questions

Is there any fee for this mock test?
No, With AEAT there is no fee for any product or services, these are absolutely at free of cost. A gift from some of our previous beneficiaries who benefited from our efforts.

How to register for it?
If you are a regular register user of AEAT, you need not to register again. If you are new and applying only for Mock Test please click here. Also visit our Facbook event page to mark your attendance. (Click Here for Showing Interest)

When can I get the Result?
You will get the result instantly, once you submit all three papers, however rating and cut-off will release next day.

How many times I can try these tests?
Only once like real final exam.

Can I also contribute to help others?
Yes, you are welcome please Click Here to review different options.

                                         Thank You, Happy Learning
                    Keep Smiling !!!! Keep Helping !!!! Keep Progressing !!!!


Saturday, October 22, 2016

1st LIST of Author Name and Book name for CBSE UGC NET January 2017 (1/5)

Presenting the 1st list out of five for authors and books written by them.The objective is not to recommend these books for study to prepare CBSE UGC National Eligibility Test, but to address few critical area of question where they usually ask book name and by whom the book is written. This list is specially prepared for that purpose.

How to Read this List:
-Author Name & Book name is given respectively
-The hyperlink on Author Name will take you to the WIKI or Info page of the author to know more details about his/ her work.
-One or two images are taken from different sources where the images are available to provide a visual look 
-These books along with additional books are also listed in our All in One Media Dictionary for CBSE UGC Nationality Test 
-Note: If any one interested to read any of these listed books can express interest.

This 1st list in this series, we will be releasing 4 more lists in this series stay tuned......

Author Name Books
 John Fiske Reading the Popular
 John Fiske Understanding Popular Culture
 John Fiske Television Culture
 John Fiske When Oak Was New
 John Fiske Media Matters
 John Fiske Reading Television
 John Fiske Myths of Oz
 John Fiske and Black Hawk Hancock Power Plays Power Works
Terence Hawkes ED New Accents
Brad Evans Liberal Terror
Brad Evans and Henry A. Giroux Disposable Futures
Brad Evans and Julian Reid Resilient Life
Brad Evans and Julian Reid Deleuze & Fascism
Brad Evans and Sean Michael Wilson Portraits of Violence
Brad Evans and Terrell Carver Histories of Violence
Daniel J. Boorstin The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination
Daniel J. Boorstin The Discoverers
Daniel J. Boorstin The Seekers
Daniel J. Boorstin The Image
Daniel J. Boorstin The republic of letters
Daniel J. Boorstin Cleopatra's Nose
Daniel J. Boorstin Los Descubridores
Daniel J. Boorstin The Americans
Daniel J. Boorstin The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Erich Fromm Escape from Freedom
Graeme Gilloch Myth and Metropolis
Herbert Marcuse One-Dimensional Man
Herbert Marcuse Eros and Civilization
James Curran Media and Democracy
James Curran Media and Power
James Curran and Jean Seaton Power Without Responsibility
James Curran and Stuart Ward The Unknown Nation
James Curran, Julian Petley, and Ivor Gaber Culture Wars
James Curran, Natalie Fenton and Des Freedman Misunderstanding the Internet
Jürgen Habermas The Theory of Communicative Action
Manuel Castells Communication Power
Manuel Castells The Rise of The Network Society
Manuel Castells Networks of Outrage and Hope
Manuel Castells Technopoles of the World
Manuel Castells The Power of Identity
Manuel Castells Mobile Communication and Society
Manuel Castells Capital Multinacional
Manuel Castells End of Millennium
Manuel Castells The Collapse of Soviet Communism
Manuel Castells The Shek Kip Mei Syndrome
Manuel Castells Global Restructuring and Territorial Development
Manuel Castells High Technology, Space, and Society
Manuel Castells The Informational City
Manuel Castells City, Class and Power
Manuel Castells Aftermath: The Cultures of the Economic Crisis
Manuel Castells The Internet Galaxy
Manuel Castells and Jordi Borja Local and Global
Max Horkheimer Eclipse of Reason
Nezar AlSayyad and Manuel Castells Muslim Europe or Euro-Islam
Noam Chomsky Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
Noam Chomsky New World of Indigenous Resistance
Noam Chomsky Interventions
Noam Chomsky Necessary Illusions
Noam Chomsky The Umbrella of U.S. Power
Noam Chomsky 9-11 (Open Media)
Noam Chomsky Propaganda and Control of the Public Mind
Noam Chomsky The Chomsky Quartet
Noam Chomsky The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many 
Noam Chomsky American Addiction
Noam Chomsky Class War
Noam Chomsky and  David Barsamian The Common Good
Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman  After the Cataclysm
Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman  Letters from Lexington
Noam Chomsky, Edward W. Said and Ramsey Clark Acts of Aggression
Noam Chomsky, Jose E. Garcia-Albea and Josep Lluis Gomez Mompart Los Limites de La Globalizacion
Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Susan George People First Economics
Pekka Himanen The Hacker Ethic
Roland Barthes A Lover's Discourse
Roland Barthes Mythologies
Roland Barthes Camera Lucida
Roland Barthes The Language of Fashion
Roland Barthes Elements of Semiology
Roland Barthes Image Music Text
Roland Barthes Mourning Diary
Roland Barthes Writing Degree Zero
Roland Barthes The Pleasure of the Text
Roland Barthes Empire of Signs
Roland Barthes Incidents (The French List)
Roland Barthes Critical Essays
Roland Barthes The Rustle of Language
Roland Barthes Fashion System
Roland Barthes The Preparation of the Novel
Roland Barthes Writer Sollers
Roland Barthes Sade, Fourier, Loyola
Roland Barthes Essais Critiques
Roland Barthes Criticism and Truth
Roland Barthes The Semiotic Challenge
Roland Barthes The Responsibility of Forms
Roland Barthes Travels in China
Roland Barthes The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies
Roland Barthes What is Sport?
Roland Barthes How to Live Together
Roland Barthes The Neutral
Theodor W. Adorno Minima Moralia: Reflections From Damaged Life
Theodor W. Adorno Negative Dialectics
Theodor W. Adorno Aesthetic Theory
Theodor W. Adorno Kant′s Critique of Pure Reason
Theodor W. Adorno The Jargon of Authenticity
Theodor W. Adorno The Stars Down to Earth
Theodor W. Adorno Beethoven
Theodor W. Adorno Introduction to Sociology
Theodor W. Adorno Towards a Theory of Musical Reproduction
Theodor W. Adorno Problems of Moral Philosophy
Theodor W. Adorno Letters to his Parents
Theodor W. Adorno Current of Music
Theodor W. Adorno Dream Notes
Theodor W. Adorno Against Epistemology
Theodor W. Adorno Mahler
Theodor W. Adorno Critical Models
Theodor W. Adorno Notes to Literature
Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer Dialectic of Enlightenment
Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer Towards a New Manifesto
Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin The Complete Correspondence
Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin Aesthetics and Politics
Walter Benjamin Illuminations
Walter Benjamin The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Walter Benjamin One-way Street
Walter Benjamin Reflections
Walter Benjamin The Origin of German Tragic Drama
Walter Benjamin The Arcades Project
Walter Benjamin Radio Benjamin
Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben Towards the Critique of Violence

Few Visuals: