Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lasswell’s Communication Model: A Discussion to Implicit Meaning

Lasswell’s Communication Model: A Discussion to implicit meaning

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Lasswell's communication model was produced by communication theorist Harold D. Lasswell in 1948.this model of communication also known as action model/ linear model and one way model of communication. As we all know one the most influential and easily applicable communication models. Lasswell’s model is more about the process of communication along with its functions to society; Lasswell advocates about three functions for communication:
  • Surveillance of the environment 
  • Correlation of components of society
  • Cultural transmission between generation
These three functions also known as primary functions of communication. these is to inform educate ,entertain and influence people to make them function smoothly and effectively. Besides that communication has secondary functions too, to perform as well as, through debate and discussions,cultural promotions and integrations .now we  understand what are these function want to describe so.

SURVEILLANCE OF ENVIRONMENT This is the process of monitoring the behavior of people, objects, or processes within the system for conformity to expected or desired norms in trusted system for security or social control. Although the word surveillance means watching over the term used for all forms like observation and monitoring, in the communication surveillance of environment means seeking out and then transmitting information about the society and all other relevant elements.

CORRELATION OF COMPONENTS OF SOCIETY This term was used by Lasswell and is an imp function of mass communication. The role of mass media in correlation function was termed as “forum” by Schramm. It means “exchange of comments and criticism” by the help of this correlation or forum people easily understand about the environments and events happening all around.

CULTURAL TRANSMISSION BETWEEN GENERATION- By this function of communication Lasswell wants to say that media educate us toward better living and preserving the values rituals and traditions of society. Mass media provide us an opportunity for culture we have to promote and explore and easily understand about others culture and educate about them too.

Now back on the Lasswell model, as we observe in the model that flow of message in a mix or multicultural society with numerous audiences. The message flows through various channels. This model is also having similarity with Aristotle’s model of communication.

Lasswell's communication model-AnyExamAnyTime

In a basic understanding from this model of communication, we can observe the component “WHO” refers the area of research as “Control Analysis”, which we relate with each five question of the model.

Lasswell's communication model-AnyExamAnyTime

In Lasswell's model, as an analysis too there are five components are used to evaluate the communication process and components. The questions which need to be asked as “Components” to derive answers and get communication process continue.

Let’s examine the different components of Lasswell's Model:-
  1. Control analysis- Means to give the sender to have all the power.
  2. Content analysis -Means it is associated to stereotyping and representation of different groups politically and also related to the purpose or the motives of the message.
  3. Media analysis Confirms or provides an insight on “Which medium or channel” should be used to apply the utmost power or influence against the receivers.
  4. Audience analysis- Means to shows who are the target audience to be manipulated or give proper description about the event
  5. Effect analysis -Means it is done that the process starts affecting each one TG {TARGET AUDIENCE}. It is used to predict that the effect of message over the TG is to be spread over everywhere.
Lasswell's model primarily was developed in to analyze and explain Mass Communication, however the model is more popularly used for interpersonal communication or group communication to be promulgate or disseminated the message to various groups in various situations as well.

Lasswell's model was primarily developed to examine the media propaganda of countries, businesses & stake holders .Only  people in power or in government used to have communication mediums such as televisions and radios etc. so that it design accordingly their as no power in the receiver hand.

Lasswell talked about the relationship between presenting of facts and its results in terms of, how it generates different effects? This concept is known as “Effective Communication Process”. The concept of “Effect” makes Lasswell's model non-linear contrasting to its name.  Reason being “Effect” can also be treated as feedback. 

Despite being the model was developed for Mass Communication, the model is applied in practices in various fields including media, because of the component “Effect” was prepared to be further about result of the message.

This model is more likely to the communication model produce by Shannon and Weaver. Their model is more graphical than Lasswell's. George Gerbner, who is the father of the cultivation, expanded Lasswell's model and included the concept of reaction of the receiver. Which we read in our previous blogs also.

Advantage of Lasswell’s model:
  • Easy and Simple to understand and apply
  • Favorable for almost all types of communication
  • The new concept of “Effect” introduced 
Disadvantages of Lasswell's Model:
  • Non inclusion of feedback and it overlooking the possibility of noise, is the major criticism from the scholars for Lasswell’s Model.
  • Scholars argued that, a communication process can’t be fruitful without feedback.
  • The model was termed as linear, also many observed that it has no recommendation on   barriers in the communication process
  • Inclusion of general and traditional topic was also one of the concern for which the model was criticized.
  • The Excellency of the model “Simplicity” itself also some time gets criticized.
  • Another criticism for the model is, It’s assumed to be a propaganda based model and  more focused on the resulting outcome, which generally used for media persuasion or events

Practice Questions for UGC NET Jan 2017:

1. According to Maletzke……………………component of Lasswell’s model properly belongs to sociological and psychological study of the receiver and should therefore not be introduced as an additional component? 
a. Who says? 
b. With what effect? 
c. What? 
d. To whom? 

2. According to The Lasswell Formula, channel capacity refers to the ………… that can be handled by a given channel at any one time?
a. lower limit of information 
b. message forming capacity of source 
c. upper limit of information 
d. message receiving capacity of receiver 

3. In Lasswell's model of communication "Control Analysis" is associated with? 
a. Communicator 
b. Message 
c. Medium 
d. Effect 

4. In Lasswell's model of communication "Message" is associated with…………….analysis? 
a. Control 
b. Content 
c. Media 
d. Effects 

5. Which of the following is NOT a linear model of communication? 
a. Aristotle’s model 
b. Osgood and Schramm's model 
c. Berlo’s Model 
d. Lasswell's model 

6.  Match the following based on Lasswell model of communication:
LIST I: (Questions) (a) Who? (b) Says What? (c) In Which Channel? (d) To Whom? 
LIST II: (Analysis) (1) Media Analysis (2) Content Analysis (3) Audience Analysis (4) Control Analysis 
a. (A:4) (B:2) (C:1) (D:3) 
b. (A:1) (B:3) (C:4) (D:2) 
c. (A:1) (B:3) (C:2) (D:4)
d. (A:3) (B:1) (C:2) (D:4)

Work Cited:
Carr, H. H., Snyder, C. A., & Bailey, B. N. (2012). The Management of Network Security. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd. Licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia, 329-330.
Fiske, J. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies (Second Edition ed.). New York: Routledge
Kumar, K. J. (2010). Mass Communication in India (4th ed.). Jaico Publishing House.
Lasswell, H. (1948) ‘The structure and function of communication in society’ in Bryson, L. (ed.) (1948) The Communication of Ideas, New York: Institute for Religious and Social Studies
Lasswell’s Model. Retrieved September 20, 2016, from

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Gerbner’s General Model: The model that, relates the message to reality

The model that, relates the message to reality: Gerbner’s General Model 1956
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George Gerbner is the legend in field of communication research his works are descriptive as well as very easy to grasp and interesting. He is working as a professor and head of Annenberg School of communication in the University of Pennsylvania. He produces his model of communication in 1956. He stressed on the Dynamic nature of communication in his work and also describe it in factorial form these factors affecting the reliability of communication and very helpful to analyzing the depth study of any communication function in any situation or organization deptt.

Gerbner’s General Model  1956

According to John Fiske who describe this model in a very easy format that- Gerbner’s model more complex in comparison to Shannon’s model, but we still read it their linear process through the diagram.

The model relate the message to the ‘reality’ i.e. ‘about’ and thus we are unable to approach our question of perception and meaning and that is the communication process which connecting the two alternating dimensions and they are perceptual or receptive and means and control dimensions.

·         Perceptual / horizontal dimension
·         Means and control dimension

Perceptual/Horizontal dimension-The Gerbner’s model start their process of communication with the event E, The event basically is external reality which perceived by M; here M can be a human, machine like camera, phone, microphone anything.

Here the M is the perceiver of E(or receiver of the message) and E is the percept of E1, after the message is perceived by M from E  the remain part is E1 because any man or machine cant perceive the complete event , they only perceived part E1 and the complete process is perceptual dimension where the communication process start.

The relation between E and M has three factor selection, context, and availability. Here M as we know can be human or machine so it can’t be perceiver of the entire event content.  So, M grasp or select only the interesting or needed part from the event and choose or select and filter it.. So the context is based on the psychography or demography of M, means how M’s mood, attitude, culture, and personality for example :-“ how journalist select the news angel in the event and also cant focuses the whole event , so they filter it the unwanted or unnecessary content easily form E event. Because journalist filters it or edits it according to their mood, culture attitude, or press polices.”

Means and Control dimension - In the next stage of this communication model where M becomes the source of the message  which describe completely about E by their own way . Here M produces a statements about the event become SE2 {S- signal or from, E2 – Content created by M}

 And for sending these content or messages M uses the medium or channel over that medium M have the control in relation of lesser or greater degree of control its all depends on M.

Here the question of ‘CONTROL’ relates to the M’s degree of technical sharpness or skill of grasping event, communication power or perception to selecting news angle. Control also is matter of access like does he own this medium means he have all the rights to do anything or produce according to him or he can buy or get to use this medium so that he follows someone else rules and regulation or work under others control.

This process of communication stretched or more describe through the ad infinitum by adding receivers {M2.M3.M4.} They have more perceptions like {SE3…SE4.} of the content statements and perceived events. And of the most important point that message gets changed at every level or according to the situation and perception

Practice Questions for UGC NET Jan 2017

1.George Gerbner expanded Lasswell's model in 1956 to focus on…………………?
a. for what purpose
b. perception and reaction
c. under what circumstances
d. entertainment function

2. Gerbner’s General Model emphasizes the ……… nature of human communication.
a. unipolar
b. dynamic
c. linear
d. bipolar

3. In Gerbner’s General Model  the perceiver of the event "E" is denoted as?
a. E1
b. S
c. SE
d. M

4. In Gerbner’s General Model  the perception is denoted as?
a. E1
b. S
c. SE
d. M

5. In Gerbner’s General Model presence of "S" (Signal) without an "E" (Event) is………?
a. receiver
b. event yet to happen
c. noise
d. encoded

6. Identify the correct chronological order of following communication models
a. Osgood, Gerbner's,  Berlo, Kincaid
b. Gerbner's, Osgood, Berlo, Kincaid
c. Kincaid, Berlo,Osgood, Gerbner's 
d. Berlo,Osgood, Gerbner's, Kincaid

Works Cited:

Fiske, J. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies (Second Edition ed.). New York: Routledge.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Seeking purpose and leading a meaningful life is everybody’s desire


Seeking purpose and leading a meaningful life is everybody’s desire. As is rightfully said, God help those who help themselves, we always try to work hard to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams. Hoping for a better future and striving to make it happen is a natural human tendency. While some people are highly determined, there also exist some who are just too idle to do anything about it. But when one has made a choice and has opted for something willingly, it is crucial to remember why the choice was even made in the first place; always remembering the worth of a decision is an act of the wise.

Preparing for something isn’t a complete approach in itself. Competitive examinations are set to test your knowledge as well as how well you keep a track of your valuable time by prioritizing the questions provided. And, to survive this challenging task, adopting a more focused approach is utmost important.

A focused preparation strategy will not only benefit you in understanding the exact level of competitiveness from time to time but will also enlighten you with your strengths and weaknesses.

Set Goals for yourself: Draw a benchmark and work hard towards it. Goals make you put in that extra effort to achieve the benchmark that you’ve set for yourself- hence they prove to be a big help in raising the performance standards.

Do what your heart tells you to, do not get under the influence of peers or family pressure and make wrong choices as this will only ruin your long term goals. Listening to everyone, imbibing the important suggestions, but eventually taking a decision on your own, empowers a person like nothing else.

Take charge of the moment: Live in the present and let go of the stress. When you’re happier and contended inside, you tend to concentrate better. Hence, leisure time is important too. Do what makes you happy but never lose the locus point. Smart work is the key.

Treat Obstacles as a step up in the ladder of success: Just like a hurdle race, obstacles in life try to slow down your pace or even make you fall. But the only way to overcome them is by facing them, get through them intelligently and run to finish the race. Learning from mistakes demands for an open mind. Denial of the fact will only make it hard for you to fully analyze and understand the adversity of the situation. How can a person be proactive in his/her approach without being a keen observer of the circumstances?  Every problem in the world is an opportunity in disguise. How to use that obstacle to your advantage or just reducing its impact on your preparation needs strategic planning. For instance, time management is your problem area when you attempt an exam, so this is an obstacle that you want to overcome. An effective counter plan would be to buy online mock test series and sit for them every now and then. What will this do? It will help in building confidence and better understanding of how the time needs to be allocated amidst the different sections in the paper. Now, you won’t feel nervous when you’re actually sitting in the exam as you’ve done it multiple times before. This obstacle has now become one of your strengths.

 Aim for progress/Improvement not perfection or result: Perfection is a pure myth. There is entirely no substance to it. To think that one can attain all the knowledge in this world in one life is a bit frivolous as information is limitless and infinite like our universe. Struggle for progress and development rather chasing supremacy as that is absolutely non-achievable and hence one may even lose the direction and the required motivational push. The core of a successful game plan is to always set ‘achievable’ targets. Therefore, always aim for a mental and psychological growth and an improvement from yesterday.

Take no attention of externalities: Yes, Some say that, luck plays a pivotal role in their lives; I don’t know the real definition of luck. Satisfaction with oneself and the conviction in your decision making skills gives you more power compared to almost anything else in this whole world. External factors such as a friend earning well, someone shifting to a bigger house, someone going abroad, someone clearing the exam before you even though you two were at the exact similar level of preparation will act as highly influential deviations but we need to remain assertive and decisive.

Regular practice and perseverance not only makes a man perfect but also makes him evolve as an individual. This backbreaking task of clearing and surpassing expectations is not something many people dare to take up. Hence, have respect for your decision and your choice; believe in the values of honesty and hard work. Rest will follow!

*******Better late than never when the going gets tough, the tough gets going *******

Saturday, September 24, 2016

A mildly entropic and highly redundant article, let’s read it

A mildly entropic and highly redundant article, let’s read it
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Redundancy- The basic means of redundancy is something can predictable because of high predictability there is low information. The predictability increases so the information decreases or low in amount. The opposite of redundancy is entropy where the predictability is always low in comparison to redundancy, so the low predictability and high information is entropic.

Now in other words we can say two side of the coin its is redundant or highly predictable… similarly if we meet over friend in the road then we must say “HELLO” it is predictable or redundant…so basically we easily get that point that redundancy have no use in communication or we can say that once we use something or known about that we can easily predict in that situation so we consider it as a redundancy which is not merely useful in communication …but in practical situation or communication it is not possible to communicate without redundancy ..It is necessary part of every conversation.
According john frisky in the English language 50% words are redundant so its look funny that we delete half of the language words and still found it useful for communicate…it’s not expect at all…all the words are equally important…
Redundancy is also equally important in the theory of information said by Shannon’s redundancy in their model “mathematical model of communication”… for example if we want to communicate with mass audience or we can say heterogeneous audience. We have to create the message which highly redundant in nature.  On the other hand the small group of audience or specialist or we can say homogeneous audience easily reaches with entopic message. For example any bath soap ad writing is more redundant in comparison to any business ad writing.
Similarly in languages or this telephonic model explain us that channel or audience play a vital role in explaining redundancy an entropy .Such as when we communicate by telephone and undergo disturbances, we can spell the letter like cat for C … its is redundant
So the oral communication or speeches need to be more redundant than any text message or writing because listener or hearer can’t know their own redundancy but reader easily read message twice. Now the point comes in our mind where the problem or difficulty generated… so basically problem in accuracy and error recognition some time in channel and noise or in the nature of message or in the audience perception as we read earlier level 1, 2, 3 in Shannon’s and weaver model of communication..
Entropy- entropy is random in nature its comes where the situation can’t be ascertained the possibility entropy as a concept less valuable for laymen which having difficulty in understanding too much information in one package but highly important for scholar who wants lots of information.   For example if u wish to collect any information on specific mobile which better than mine own mobile u read their configuration and easily understand where all complete message about the mobile give in one specific’s a entopic message means less predictable and highly informative on the other hand a person who first time purchase smart phone, watch, and attract by the theme of ad or rate of phone and buy it its predictable or redundant…
. Another example is Aids sufferer’s people. Also known as HIV+ve can’t sure how long they live and when the death comes. Because of the death is an organization system which unpredictable.
And the conclusion is entropy less predicted highly informative or uncertainty bigger the available information bigger in the communication process.

Practice Questions for UGC NET Jan 2017:

1. Effort requires to decode the messages is very low when the message is with high………………………?

a. Entropy 
b. Redundancy
c. Noise
d. Complex

2. High unpredictability in communication will lead to:

a. notionality
b. entropy
c. redudancy 
d. noise

3. Match the followings
LIST I: (a) Manuel Castells (b) Shannon & Weaver (c) Katz and Lazarsfeld (d) George Т. Vardaman.
LIST II: (1) Space of flows (2) Two-step Flow model (3) Entropy (4) TRIM model

a. (A:4) (B:2) (C:1) (D:3)
b. (A:1) (B:3) (C:4) (D:2)
c. (A:1) (B:3) (C:2) (D:4)
d. (A:3) (B:1) (C:2) (D:4)

Works Cited:
Fiske, J. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies (Second Edition ed.). New York: Routledge.
GANGULY, S. COMMUNICATION MEDIA, SYSTEMS AND STRATEGY.  In  UNESCO's Documentation, Dissemination and Networking.


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Decoding defamation: A Must to know for Journalists: Section 499 and its Implications

Defamation: Section 499 and its Implication
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In the words of Marvin Olasky, “More people need to understand the games secular liberals play (Marlin, 2013). Here's one rule-of-thumb: No matter how bad a story sounds - particularly if it sounds bad - recognize the pattern of defamation”

“Defamation” is the generic name for the torts of slander and libel. Defamation is to protect the “Freedom of speech and expression” and thus ability of the press to investigate and bringing people’s attention towards malpractices and inflated stories. It strikes a balance between the need to protect reputation and the general right of freedom and speech.

Section 499 of Indian Penal Code describes defamation. Defamation when done through spoken words, gestures, form of rumors and inflated stories is termed as Slander. Defamation when takes place through written ways is known as Libel.  Defamation in India is covered by both the criminal law and the civil law.

There are exceptions also when defamation is not registered.
§   Defamation will not take place, when whenever something is communicated for public welfare and public benefit.

§   It is not defamation to express views about any government official in regard of his discharge of his public duties.

§       It is not defamation to publish true or substantial report of a court proceeding.

§     It is not defamation to express views in good faith about the merits of any case, civil or criminal which has been decided by court (Supreme Court of India).

§      It is not defamation if a person conveys caution to one person against the other, intended for the good of a person to whom it is conveyed or for public good.

 Various punishments for the criminal offence of defamation as described by the Indian Penal Code are as follows:

 Section 500: This section says that whoever defames another person will simply serve a term of two years or with fine or with both.

Section 501: Whoever will engrave or print matter which is defamatory for another person will be punished with an imprisonment of two years or with fine or with both.

 Section 502: Whoever will sells or offers for sale any printed or engraved material containing defamatory matter will be punished with an imprisonment of two years or with fine or with both.

 In civil law, the amount of damages to the reputation of a person differs from case to case and it is to be determined by the judge. (Source: Media Law and Ethics by M Neelamalar)
According to Sir Winston Churchill, “Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage”

Practice Questions for UGC NET Jan 2017

1. Section …………………………. of the Indian Penal Code defines defamation?

a. 448
b. 479
c. 489
d. 499

2. Section 500, 501, 502 of IPC deals with?

a. punishment for defamation
b. punishment for official Secrets
c. punishment for civil contempt
d. defining defamation

3. Section 500 of the Indian Penal Code lays down………………………………….?

a. Whoever defames another shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with both
b. Whoever prints (or engraves) any matter, knowing or having good reason to believe that such matter is defamatory of any I person, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with both
c. Whoever sells or offers for sale any printed or engraved substance containing defamatory matter, knowing that it contains such matter, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with both
d. defining defamation

4. Which of the following act is NOT consider as defamatory?

a. To make an imputation in the form of an alternative or expressed ironically
b. Convey a caution in good faith to one person against another provided that such caution in be intended for the good of the person to whom it is conveyed
c. To impute anything to a deceased person, If the imputation would harm the reputation of that person
d. To make an imputation in the form of an alternative or expressed ironically

5. ASSERTION (A): Defamatory publication can be effectively curtailed in a number of ways other than imprisonment. 
REASON (R): The benefits of going to the Press Council is that this forum will provide a speedier remedy than a court and being a watchdog of the press, this body can restrict/change unfavorable journalistic practices.

a. Both(A) and (R) are true
b. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A)
c. (A) is true, but (R) is false
d. (A) is false, but (R) is true 

Works Cited
Churchill, W. S. (2016). A quote by Winston S. Churchill. Retrieved Sep 20, 2016, from
Marlin, R. (2013). Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion (Second Edition ed.). Broadview Press.
Marvin Olasky at BrainyQuote. (2001). Retrieved from BrainyQuote:
Section 499 in the Indian penal code. Retrieved from
Supreme Court of India. (2010, April-June). NEWSLETTER - Supreme Court of India. Courth News, V(2). Retrieved Sep 20, 2016, from
The Registry Supreme court of India.  Supreme court of India. Retrieved Sep 20, 2016, from

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Understanding the basics of Communication and the SHANNON AND WEAVER’S MODEL:-The Mathematical model of communication

Understanding the basics of Communication and the SHANNON AND WEAVER’S MODEL:-The Mathematical model of communication
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Communication is an activity which done by all of us, every one communicate to share their ideas, thoughts or feelings through sign n symbols, oral n etc. Everyone have their own language of expression animals, plants, human... the while nature communicate with each other… basically communication is not a subject we do this activity by no one gives any idea about how to react when you are happy or sad or how to learn facial expression..It’s all thing are look illogical in academic sense, but these all things are important in many areas of study  for example sociologist and psychologist they give their views or judgment on the basis of verbal and non verbal communication. So this the important part of study and life too. So there is one thing that very clear to all of us that communication amenable to study but it is compulsory in multi – disciplinary area of study………..

Now the topic comes in our mind that what we study in it so….we learn about sign and codes as well as symbols
Sign are graphical or act representation of something that we use explain others about that thing
Codes are planning or system where all sign n symbol properly organize and by both this the communication run smoothly.
Some definitions which explain my words more properly are their…
: - communication is the “interchange of thoughts and ideas”. – HOBEN
: - “Every communication act is viewed as transmission of information consisting of discriminative stimuli from a source to receptive”. - NEWCOMB
:-“An interchange of thoughts opinion or information thoughts ,speech, writing, or sign is called communication”- ROBERT ANDERSON

SIMILARLY by JOHN FISKE {Was a professor of communication arts at the University of Wisconsin Madison} say in his book “Introduction to communication studies” [studies in culture and communication] THAT- there are two main schools in the study of communication -
First- communication as a “transmission of message”
Second- communication as “production and exchange of meaning of meaning”

The “transmission of message” reflects that how sender and receiver encode and decodes any message or information and how transmitter uses the channels and media for communication. Similarly on the other hand “production of exchange of meaning” it reflect that how message or text interact with receiver to understand the meaning and able to decode sender.

Here we understand one thing properly the role of text in our culture …because the sender and receiver may be belongs to different culture in that case the use of term signification arises for this school.

Basically the study of communication is the study of text and culture or culture differences for that we have one method –the study of semiotics means the science of sign and meaning.

Now we discuss about some communication model to understand better communication studies and their processes

SHANNON AND WEAVER’S MODEL-{Mathematical model of communication}
Shannon and weaver’s model of communication is the best example to understand the communication as a transmission of message. Claude Shannon- (1948) come out with an article “mathematical  theory of communication”

Shannon presents it as a simple linear process. According to John Fiske, Shannon and weaver identify three levels of problems in the study of communication (Fiske, 1990)

Level 1 {Technical Problem} – how accurately the symbols of communication be transmitted.
Level 2 {Semantic Problem} – how preciously do the transmitted symbols convey the desired meaning?
Level 3 {Effectiveness Problem} – how effectively does the received meaning effect conduct in the desire way?

All three levels are interrelated to each other.the main point to study in that how we can improve accuracy and efficiency in communication act.

Now back on the terms of model:  (Refer to model above)

1: the “information source” is the first term; works to select message out of a set of huge possible message.

2: the term “transmitter” transforms the message into signals that sent a message to commutation medium or channel for receiver.

3: the third term “receiver” is just opposite to source or we can say kind of inverse transmitter which reforming the transmitted signals over back into message and describing source’s message or interpreting it.

Now this message is after all processes set to the “destination” the final term of model. So we can say it that destination is the final receiver or the message come finally to the initial receiver and the whole transmission is ultimately accomplished.

In between the whole model the most unique and important new term introduce by Shannon and weaver is “noise”. They clarify it that this whole model design on the idea of telephonic conversation where signal or channel transmitted the information so its is obvious that some hindrance or barrier comes.They called it noise. Noise comes internal or external sources .

Few Practice Questions for UGC NET Jan 2017:
1. Social Scientists use to describe ………………………. As "mother of all models."? 
a. Hypodermic needle
b. Gerbner’s General Model
c. Shannon–Weaver model
d. Osgood & Schramm Model

2. The Shannon–Weaver model is some time being criticized for?
a. Inappropriate to represent individual test
b. Inappropriate to represent social processes
c. Not considered the information source as vital element
d. Receiver is treated under noise

3. The Shannon-Weaver Model has…………….element?
a. four
b. five 
c. six
d. ten

4. According to Shannon-Weaver Model…………………….is responsible for taking the ideas of the source and expressing the source’s purpose in the form of a message.?
a. The Message itself
b. The Encoder
c. The Channel
d. The Receiver

5. Identify the correct sequence of Shannon and weaver model communication model
a. Signal, Thought, Transmitter, Recipient 
b. Thought, Transmitter, Signal, Recipient 
c. Signal, Transmitter, Thought, Recipient 
d. Thought, Signal, Transmitter, Recipient 

6. Shannon and Weaver assumed that sorting out which Level of problems may lead to improvements at the other levels?
a. Level A
b. Level B
c. Level C
d. there is no relationship all level of problems are independent 

7. Shannon and Weaver argued that there were three levels of problems of communication which of the following is NOT one of them?
a. technical 
b. semantic
c. correction
d. effectiveness 

Other Practice Questions:
Q1: What do u understand about the communication and how  improved it by the help of Shannon and weaver model?
Q2: How all three problem or level of problems in this model interrelated to each other?
Q3: Apply this Shannon and weaver model  in your daily life communication experience and make some realistic example for more explanation?

Works Cited:
Fiske, J. (1990). Introduction to Communication Studies (Second Edition ed.). New York: Routledge.
McQuail, D. (ed.) (1972) Sociology of Mass Communications, Harmondsworth: Penguin
Newcomb, T. (1953) ‘An approach to the study of communication acts
Shannon, C. and Weaver, W. (1949) The Mathematical Theory of Communication