5 Simple and Smart Preparation Methods for any Competitive Exams including UGC/CBSE NET
In order to crack competitive exams, students need
to study effectively. If you know a few strategies and study skills, you can
easily score well in the competitive exams. Let’s look at the 5 simple and
smart preparation methods that can give you sure-shot success in your
competitive exams.
It has been found in research that shorter study sessions work a lot better than long marathon sessions. When you are studying for less time, the time restriction will compel your brain to work efficiently. Therefore, if you want intense memorization, you should opt for shorter study sessions.
On the other hand, if you opt for six hour long study sessions, your brain won’t work in a very efficient manner. Therefore, when you are preparing for competitive exams, you must follow this strategy.
2.Solve 10 years question papers:
You need to go through the syllabus properly so that you understand how much you have to study. One of the smartest preparation methods for competitive exams is to solve the last 10 years question papers. This will help you to understand the pattern of the questions and will also boost your confidence. Solving UGC/CBSE MOCK Test/Practice Test will help you prepare for competitive exams in a systematic manner.
3.Prepare a realistic timetable:
When you are preparing for competitive exams, it is very important to first prepare a timetable. Since the syllabus of competitive exams is vast, you need to stick to a schedule to complete your syllabus on time. If you pick up a book randomly and start studying, it won’t help.
So, prepare a realistic timetable and follow the schedule every day. Try to start with the topics that you find easy and then move towards the ones that you find difficult. Seek help from seniors or teachers if you cannot understand a topic. Do not waste time lingering on one topic. Follow your timetable consistently and self study even if you hate study.
4.Minimize distractions and be smart:
You have to be smart along with hardworking when you are preparing for competitive exams. The smartest strategy to prepare well for competitive exams is to minimize distractions. Instead of studying for 10 hours in a room where the sound of TV is disturbing you and you have to constantly run errands while studying, study for 3 hours in a quiet place where there is no disturbance.
You can do this late at night or early in the morning. The 3 hours of studying in a quiet place will help you study effectively. Before moving to the next subject, take a 10 minute break to give your brain some rest. Never study when you are feeling sleepy.
5.Revision is very important:
Finally, the most important preparation method for competitive exams is to revise your syllabus after finishing it. Always keep time for revision. It will help you to perform well.
For any exam any time, if you follow these 5 simple and smart preparation methods, you will surely be able to score well.
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